Alright, I've been considering getting a new mobile phone for a while, especially given that my Nokia's screen was beginning to go on the fritz (given that it's so small, it had taken many a trip in my pants pocket, and that'd started taking its toll).
So I've had my eye on the Nokia 3650 for a while. Finally picked it up this past Friday. I sort of feel that it's a hip Gen-Y'ers phone and some of the features might be lost on me, but in the meantime I'm finding it good enough that I can probably get by without toting my PocketPC with me everywhere.
The bad is that it's bigger than my old Nokia, so I have to go around with a belt-clip, and I feel like I'm a total dork (a total well connected dork, but still a dork).
But it does have a built-in XHTML web browser, so I can bring up traffic / other info as needed.
Plus, as I mentioned in my Portland story, there are times you wish you could snap a quick and dirty picture. Twice in Portland I could have killed to snap a picture: