Two blogs have caught my attention as of late:
I've been reading Guy Kawasaki way back to the Macintosh Way. That was back when I was a rabid Mac guy. Oh, how I loved that Macintosh and reading about Steve Jobs and the origins of the Mac. It was a perspective kind of thing.
Anyway, Guy's perspective is wonderful: clean and common-sense and focused. No shitake to it. At the same time I picked up on Guy's new blog, I picked up on Presentation Zen. I think it must have been during a Steve Jobs presentation and everyone was agog at how wonderful Jobs runs a presentation / demo.
I really do like how Jobs designs his slides (oops, I almost said PowerPoint deck). Microsoft's presentations truly are death by bullets. Of course, what do a lot of the "type here" slides you add to your deck have: bullets.
Anyway, both of these blogs represent a secret goal I have: great communication skills. I know when I present I'm typically talking fast and pacing (well, stalking almost) up infront of the audience. I'm blessed by the fact that I've never had stage fright or presentation anxiety. But I'm usually up there to load everyone up with two shotgun barrels of information as quick as I can.
Something to work on. In the meantime, I'll enjoy loading up on what Guy and Presentation Zen have to offer.
email: Eric_Richards at ericri dot com
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